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Friday, December 28, 2012

I Made You No-Bake Cookies because I'm Super Cool like That . . .

Full disclosure:  I. Do. Not. Like. No-Bake. Cookies.  I don't know why that is, but I never have, never will.  I DO like my man, however, so when he asked for these during my Christmas-cookie-baking-frenzy I was happy to make them for him.  This is my grandmother's recipe with a few additions of my own. 

1 stick butter (use Earth Balance to veganize recipe)
2 cups sugar
4 tablespoons cocoa
½ cup milk (non-dairy milk to veganize.  I wonder how this would taste using dark chocolate almond milk . . . next time I'm trying it!)
1 cup smooth peanut butter (use chocolate-peanut butter if you can find it!)
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon chocolate extract
3 cups oatmeal
Waxed paper
Powdered sugar and extra cocoa for dusting (if desired)
1.  Melt butter over medium-low heat in a heavy saucepan.   
2.  Add  sugar, cocoa, and milk, raise temperature to medium, and stir occasionally until the mixture reaches a slow boil.
3.  Let boil for 3 to 4 minutes then remove from heat. 
4.  Add peanut butter, vanilla, chocolate extract and oatmeal.
5.  Let mixture cool for 2 to 3 minutes, then drop on waxed paper. You can shape them into round cookies if you choose. 
6.  Dust with powdered sugar and cocoa if desired.  Allow cookies to cool and harden on paper before moving.

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