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Sunday, June 30, 2013

Instead of Winning Powerball Numbers, I Dream Up an Almond Butter-Chocolate Chunk Cookie Recipe.

I'm on summer vacation.  I know people think that teachers have it soooooo easy in June, July, and August, but that isn't always the case.  Many of us (myself included) are taking classes, teaching summer school and attempting to entertain our own kiddos 24/7.  Even so, I am lucky enough that I am getting a break from getting up at 5 am and heading out to work in complete darkness.

One of my problems, though, is I have a very difficult time sleeping in.  I want to.  I really really want to.  I just can't do it.  So I have gotten into the habit of doing little solitary projects in the early hours of the morning while my menfolk are still sleeping. 

This morning as I woke up I realized I had been dreaming about a cookie recipe.  Such is my life, I guess.  Anyhow, I've been reading a lot about gluten-free baking and also the whole paleo diet movement.  I think it's interesting how similar the gluten-free and paleo diets are to vegetarian diets (with the obvious exception of meat).  I thought I would try to create a cookie that was gluten-free, sugar-free, dairy-free and both vegan AND paleo-friendly.  I went to bed last night thinking about it, and woke up with the recipe in my head.

I love how these turned out.  Out of the oven they were crispy on the outside and chewy on the inside.  The chocolate was all warm and melty and I convinced myself that they had no calories.  I have to say, however, that much like an 8th grade girl's promise to keep something a secret, these cookies don't last long.  They are best for the first hour after baking.  After that, they become quite cakey and lose their outer "cookie crunch."  I decided to freeze the leftover cookies, though, and plan to mix them into some almond milk ice cream once I work off the half dozen I ate this morning.

1 ripe banana
1/2 cup crunchy almond butter
1 tablespoon flax meal mixed with 3 tablespoons water (mix and allow to sit until goopy)
2 tablespoons maple syrup
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 cups almond meal
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
2/3 cup almonds, coarsley chopped
1/2 cup dark chocolate, coarsley chopped
1.  Cream banana with a mixer until there are no chunks.  Add all the wet ingredients and mix well.
2.  Fold almond meal into liquid.  Fold in chocolate and almond chunks.
3.  Put mixture into the refrigerator for an hour so it firms up a bit.
4.  Preheat oven to 350°.  Use a non-stick cookie sheet or make sure you grease yours or use parchment paper (I used a non-stick sheet AND greased it as well).
5.  Portion dough out using a small scoop.  Pat them out on the tray as big as you'd like; they won't really spread and if you leave them too thick they won't cook well in the middle.
6.  Bake for 12 to 14 minutes, or until they crisp up and the edges begin to darken.  I suggest doing a test cookie first to find your baking time (these ingredients are pretty pricey so you don't want to screw up a batch by under or over cooking).  The bottom of the cookie browns up pretty quickly, so keep an eye on the clock.
7.  Cool slightly on the sheet then move to a wire rack.  Serve while they're still warm.  Makes about 18 cookies.

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