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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Obligatory Granola Recipe (Since this is a veggie blog and all . . . )

You knew it was coming, didn't you?  I know enough to know that a vegetarian blog ain't worth a thing if it ain't got that . . . granola recipe.  Mine was born of necessity (I have been snacking on complete junk during the school day and these hips don't lie) and the fact that I had exactly enough tahini to make this batch.

This recipe is not as sweet as traditional granola.  I used pomegranate syrup instead of agave syrup because I thought it would be a nice complement to the tahini.  Don't have pomegranate syrup?  Use agave syrup or honey for you non-vegans.   In fact, the best thing about granola is you can switch it up with whatever ingredients you have on hand. Change out the fruits and nuts with whatever you have and it's still a healthier choice than my snack du jour (potato chips or cookies).  Be careful, though: granola is still pretty high in calories with all the fruit and good stuff packed in there.  So, if you're counting, try to keep your serving to about a half cup or use the granola to sprinkle over vegan yogurt or ice cream.   I ate the entire batch during one stressful day with my 7th grade students, so, sadly, my hips are still a disappointment.

2 cups oatmeal
1/3 cup tahini
1/3 cup pomegranate syrup (or agave syrup or maple syrup or honey for non-vegans)
1/2 cup soy nuts (or peanuts, or-- you know, whatever you want.  Granola, People.  Not rocket science . . .)
3/4 cup dried figs, chopped into chunks
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 cup vegan chocolate chips (which, basically, are just dark chocolate chips, Folks.  Beautiful, beautiful dark chocolate . . .)
1/2 cup raisins

1.  Mix the oatmeal, soy nuts, figs and cinnamon in a large bowl.  In a separate bowl, mix the pomegranate syrup and tahini.
2.  Add the tahini mixture to the fruit and oatmeal; stir to coat.
3.  Spread the mixture out evenly on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper.
4.  Bake in a preheated 350 oven for 15 minutes.  Remove from oven, give it a good stir, and return it to bake for another 15 minutes.
5.  Remove the granola from the oven and add the raisins.  Add the chocolate chips (if using).  If you want the chocolate to melt, add them to the granola while it is still hot, stir it up good, and spread it out again to cool.  Otherwise, wait to add the chips until the granola is completely cooled.  Once it is cooled completely, your granola will be crunchy and delightful.  Store it for a few days in an airtight container.

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