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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Baked Banana-rama x 3

Well, Folks, it's official:  I am spending too much time dreaming up ways to use the banana surplus at our house.  My four-year-old, who if given the choice would've lived on bananas and Pop-Tarts alone, has recently announced that he is "mostly done" with the fruit.  This leaves me over-thinking the purchase each week.  If I buy too few he is sure to decide his decision about giving them up was too hasty.  If I buy too many, well . . . you get the idea.  Another blog post.

For this recipe, I had about a half dozen over-ripe bananas and too much time on my hands.  I baked the batch, added some candied walnuts (which were so good I almost didn't have enough to use in the pictures because I would not stop eating them) and then did the final preparation three ways:  straight-up baked bananas, banana pudding, and banana ice cream.  


Candied Walnuts

1 cup whole walnuts
1/2 cup agave syrup or maple syrup (or honey for non-vegans)
1 teaspoon allspice
1/2 teaspoon fine sea salt
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper

1.  Heat all ingredients (except walnuts) over medium; stir once until mixed then cook until sugar is dissolved, about 3 minutes.
2.  Add walnuts and bring to a simmer.  Give the mixture a good stir to coat then cook for about 5 minutes while the sugar browns up a bit.
3. Drain walnuts in a mesh sieve over a bowl to catch the hot sugar mixture.  Spread the walnuts over wax paper on top of a wire rack.  They will get all crunchy and yummy as they cool.
4.  Spread the reserved hot sugar on a cookie sheet covered in wax paper.  When the sugar mixture starts to harden and cools enough to touch (about 2 minutes), peel from the wax paper and set aside to harden on the cookie sheet as you prepare the bananas.  Makes 1 cup walnuts and about a 1/4 cup of the candy chunks.

5.  Once the sugar has hardened on the cookie sheet, bust it up with a mallet into candy chunks and set aside.

Baked Bananas

Half a dozen or so over-ripe bananas
1/2 cup coconut milk
1/4 cup brown sugar


1. Slice the bananas lengthwise and place into a baking dish

2.  Pour milk over bananas and sprinkle all with brown sugar.
3.  Bake uncovered at 350° for 30 minutes.

4.  Now, decide how you want to serve them!

Baked Bananas

1. Carefully plate the bananas and sprinkle with walnuts, candy chunks and a dash of cinnamon for color. Serve warm or cold.

Baked Banana "Pudding"

1.  After baking bananas, purée them in a food processor until the consistency of pudding.  Add some of the baking liquid (the milk and sugar) as needed to get it to desired creaminess.
2.  Sprinkle with walnuts, candy chunks and  cinnamon. Serve warm or cold.

Banana Ice Cream with Candied Walnuts

1.  After baking bananas, purée all but 2 of them to a smooth consistency.  Add some of the baking liquid (the milk and sugar) as needed until mixture is nice and smooth.
2.  Gently add reserved bananas, cut into chunks.  Add 1/4 cup of the walnuts and stir carefully until mixed.

3.  Add mixture to a small container for freezing.  Smooth it down to make sure it freezes uniformly.
4.  Coarsely chop another 1/4 cup of walnuts and cover the top of the mixture as pictured.  Add the sugar chunks as well.  This will be the bottom of the ice cream.

5. Cover and freeze upside down overnight.
6.  Top with remaining walnuts to serve.

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Unknown said...

Better to use maple syrup or coconut sugar. It is not good to use agave, as it is the food of fruit bats. It is crucial that we are conscious of taking the food of such an important creature. Also, it is not vegan to use honey, as it is the bi-product of bees. We are in danger of losing our bees, as their numbers are dwindling. Point is there are many other alternatives. Your dessert sounds delicious.

Prismatic Printing said...

I bet this would be delicious with maple syrup to complement the bananas-- great suggestion!

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