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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Tofu Scramble (with Saffron, Because I'm Worth It!)

I'm in love with my new Tofu Presser, and to celebrate I made a tofu scramble just for little old me. It was my first time making one on my own. Now, to all the experienced vegans out there that's about the equivalent of saying to a non-veg that you scrambled an egg for the first time. It's not exactly the hardest dish to prepare.

Even so, I decided to make a scramble that I thought was blog-worthy. As I opened my spice cabinet to grab the tumeric, I noticed my bottle of saffron right next to it. "A bottle of saffron" is an inaccurate description. What I had was an empty bottle save one wee little pinch of incredibly-expensive red filaments. I pushed the tumeric aside and decided to splurge- it was the first day of my 30-Day Vegan Challenge, after all (I'm trying it on my own, without following a set program. Wish me luck!).

Tofu Scramble with Saffron, Spinach and Hashbrowns
¼ block extra-firm tofu, pressed and cut into chunks
1 cup Imagine Low-Sodium Vegetable Broth
½ tablespoon minced (packed in oil) garlic
1 pinch saffron
1 tablespoon nutritional yeast flakes
1 handful fresh baby spinach
1 (individual size) prepared hash brown (optional)

I’ve started relying a lot on vegetable broth in place of oil or other fats when sautéing. I love the flavor it adds, and when it reduces down it’s really a nice complement to whatever is in the pan. Using it for this recipe made the tofu somewhat creamy, and very much like the texture of well-made scrambled eggs.

1. Heat the broth, garlic and saffron over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until it reduces by about half.
2. Add the nutritional yeast, stirring to mix well.
3. Add the tofu, breaking some of the chunks up to get to a “scrambled” consistency, stirring to coat with the broth mixture.
4. When tofu is almost heated through, add fresh spinach to pan, gently mixing it in as it wilts down.
5. Break up the hash brown and add to scrambled tofu. Salt and pepper to taste (taste it first- you may not need the salt). Serve with homemade bread slathered with Earth’s Balance.

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