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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Among the Things I'd Grab in a Fire: My New Tofu Presser

People- my laziness knows no bounds. For instance, I love tofu, but rarely ate it because I didn't feel like doing the whole pressing-between-two-plates business. I'd make my husband press it, then secretly think mean thoughts if it wasn't "wrung out" to my liking (lazy AND passive-aggressive: that's me!). So soon into the veg transformation, I went looking for a press that satisfied my needs and let my poor man off the hook. Enter the Tofu Xpress Gourmet Food Press. It was my first post-veg gadget purchase, and I loved it.

And, like many first loves, I fell quickly and passionately. Also like many first loves (mine, at least), it left me in despair. About 6 months into the relationship it broke on me. After some research I found how to get a refund, but the company wanted the press shipped back with all the broken pieces (some of which I didn't keep), and I needed to pay shipping (which I didn't want to do).

So my response was to stop eating tofu. Lame, right? Every time I felt a hankering for the stuff, I'd think about the busted remains of the press still lurking in my heart and I'd make something else out of spite.

When I finally felt ready to love again, I sought out a different design, one that might hold up better under the pressure of my tofu-loving ways. Enter the Tofu Presser!!!

Yes, I loved him as soon as I opened the box (I've named him Ryan Reynolds). You might think me fickle, but I assure you, I am not. I'm a one-press-woman, and I am a loyal customer. When I first held Ryan (Tofu Presser) I was amazed how simple and sturdy the design was.

It was very easy to use and pressed the tofu so it was firm but still a little moist (just like Mama likes it).

As you can see, it pressed about a cup of water out. It only took about 10 minutes or so, and I was very pleased with the results.

I will say that the box design of the Tofu Xpress Gourmet Food Press makes it easier to press your tofu into a thinner, denser block, but for my money, the Tofu Presser is the better overall purchase. It is less expensive, seemingly indestructible, and gets the job done. Just like Ryan Renyolds!

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jjordan said...

I'm kind of suprised and sorry to hear about your troubles with the TofuXpress! I love my TofuXpress! (www.tofuxpress.com) I've had it for about two years now and it has never failed one me. I love tofu and like you I'm super lazy when it comes to pressing and now I couldn't imagine cooking tofu anymore with out my press. I am so happy I made the investment, given all the crappy stuff out there today.

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