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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

When Life Gives You Over-ripe Bananas, Make Ice Cream!

I scream, you scream, we all scream for frozen bananas which, when pureed, taste a hell of a lot like ice cream . . . .

Yesterday I found a bunch of over-ripe bananas at my grocery store. They were all bound up in red tape like they were crime scene evidence. I liberated that fruit and made good use of it! Here's a really simple treat, that literally takes 5 minutes to prepare (minus freezing time). It's smooth and creamy and the banana flavor is very subtle.

Banana Ice "Cream"


Consider this recipe something to build on. You can easily change flavors based on what you add to it: candies, syrups, fruits- you name it!

4 over-ripe bananas, frozen (figure about 1 banana per person)
1 tablespoon of good-quality vanilla extract (or maple, walnut or whatever flavor you desire)
1 tablespoon natural sugar (more or less to taste)
Your choice of add-ins. I used chocolate chips, but any ice cream-friendly ingredients will do. Go nuts (yeah- nuts would be good, too)!

1. Freeze bananas overnight. I recommend chopping them into smaller chunks prior to freezing so they're easier to purée later. I learned this the hard way!
2. Using a food processor, purée the frozen bananas. Add vanilla (or other flavoring) and sugar and mix well.
3. Mix in whatever you like, and return the ice "cream" to the freezer to firm up.
4. Enjoy!

Banana Ice "Cream," step-by-step

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ljs said...

Over ripe frozen bananas are a staple in our freezer. We buy them to let them get that way on purpose. Smoothies galore for quick breakfasts, snacks and desserts! Never thought of just straight bananas though! My fantasy appliance is a Vitamix.

daniellaprice30 said...

Over-ripe bananas indeed are the sweetest and is surely perfect for banana ice cream. I'd love to make your recipe for my kids but I for sure won't enjoy it. I have a very sensitive teeth because my enamels are thin according to my Buckhead dentist. It always stings once I eat a bite of ice cream.

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